![]() Choose Color Scheme Screenshot Left-Click on image, to see larger ScreenShot. |
Getting Started : Here is a rundown of program Buttons and what they do : Here is a typical workflow progression : Open myFavs Txt --> Add Link <--and/or--> Delete Link --> Save myFavs Txt --> Build Html File --> View Html File --> Exit . Click on Open myFavs Txt button , and select the input text file . For example , myFavsLinks.txt . This will open the myFavsLinks.txt file , and display its bookmarks (Links) in the ListView area) . The output .html fileName is derived from the input text fileName . ( myFavsAwesomeLinks.txt will yield myFavsAwesomeLinks.html ) At this point , typically , you will want to add a Link Add Link or delete a link Delete Link . To Add Link you will first need to enter link information into the Link-work-area by typing in the following information: “Menu Name” , “Link Title” , “Link Address” . Once you have filled in the info , simply click on the Add Link button . Your New-Link is now inserted , alphabetically (and highlighted) in the ListView area . You can now click the Clear work-area button , to clear the Link-work-area . Note: The program reports the progress of each step , in the Status Bar located at the bottom of the myFavs screen . Note: The program does NOT allow for Duplicate Links . If you want to Delete an existing Link , Find the Link in the ListView area . Make sure the Link to be Deleted is HighLighted . Since the Link is HighLighted , it is displayed in the Link-work-area . After you click the Delete Link button . You will also need to click on the Save myFavs Txt , Build Html Page , before clicking on the View Html Page . Note: There is no Edit button . If you want to Edit a Link , (change its content) keep this in mind : The myFavsLinks.txt file , is and MUST stay in Ascending-SORT-Order . The whole Link (ie., everything in the Link-work-area 'MenuName, LinkTItle, LinkAddress'.) is the Sort-Key . This means that if you change any character in the Sort-Key , that Link will now Sort into a new position in the file . So , if you want to Edit a Link , follow this procedure : Find the Link you want to Edit , make sure it is Highlighted ,. This will display the Link in the Link-work-area . Now , click the Delete Link button . This will Delete the Highlighted Link in the ListView-area , BUT will leave the Link information in the Link-work-area , ready for you to make your changes . Once you have made your changes , you can click the Add Link button . Note: Another thing you may want to do : Have a Link in more that one category (MenuName) To do this , Find the Link , Highlight it , then Change the Menu Name . Then Click on the Add Link button . This New Link will then Sort into the proper Menu Name category . <=== In the left panel is a ' Choose Color Scheme Screenshot ' . Here you can change the htmlPage Background Color and the Drop-Down Menu Color . This change also applies to the Program Face (skin) itself . It changes the Background Color and the Label Color . The file myFavsColors-Reset.txt contains the original Color Scheme , in case you want to get back to the original colors . |
Download / Install Download myFavs.zip |
Install Instructions: Once you have downloaded myFavs.zip , you can unzip/install it anywhere . myFavs.exe is totally 'portable' , it does not alter the Registry . For simplicity and ease of access , I planted it here: "C:\myFavs" . I recommend you start with the provided 'myFavs-starter.txt' file , in the myFavs Folder . And build your Favorites from that point , rather than starting with an empty *.txt file. If you have questions about myFavs and/or PureBasic , Contact me (vmars316) at the 'PureBasic Forum' or at the 'PortableFreeware Forum' (see above Links) . Happy Trails :) |