Lesson 4:


Review the lessons above (on this page) .

Create your own html page. In it make:
1) Make a 'prompt' that says " Enter a number from 1 to 5"
2) Check the number returned from the 'prompt'
     If it is less than 1
     show a 'prompt' that says "Number entered is less than 1 , Try Again!"
     If it is greater '>' than 5
     show a 'prompt' that says "Number entered is greater than 5 , Try Again!

User your knowledge gained so far , plus , your knowledge gained from Excel Macros writing to solve this game (=, +, - <, > ).

Below , is a template to get you started :

Some helps here :

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> myHtml5 Template </title>
<!--  file:///C:/Notepad++Portable/javascript-Ben/myHtml5-Template.html  -->

<!-- this is an html comment:  html code goes here: -->

<script type='text/javascript'>

// this is a javascript comment:  javascript code goes here: 

