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Leaks 2 Overlay - OVL0016

Substance .sbsar
Compiled Substance shader for this material.

Note: to use the Substance .sbsar file you need Substance support in your 3D engine or graphics program or use the free Substance Player.

The .sbsar is 44KB in size. You do not need to download the flat maps.
* download only for Studio Tier users
Flat Maps
Overlay Grunge Surface Imperfection Abstract Stains Noise Procedural Leak Moisture Scratch Dirt
Image 1 - Seamless (preview)
Overlay Grunge Surface Imperfection Abstract Stains Noise Procedural Leak Moisture Scratch Dirt
Image 2 - Seamless (preview)
Overlay Grunge Surface Imperfection Abstract Stains Noise Procedural Leak Moisture Scratch Dirt
Image 3 - Seamless (preview)
Overlay Grunge Surface Imperfection Abstract Stains Noise Procedural Leak Moisture Scratch Dirt
Image 4 - Seamless (preview)
Overlay Grunge Surface Imperfection Abstract Stains Noise Procedural Leak Moisture Scratch Dirt
Image 5 - Seamless (preview)
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