
(Click on an image to see a larger view .)


Index-it is my Indexing program that reads in a text file and creates three Information windows . Top Window shows all Lines in File . Right Window shows Index of Unique Words . Bottom Window shows Results of 'Search for Index Word' .

Click [Start] to Open '********.txt' File in Top Window .

Once the File is loaded
You can Then enter a 'Search-Word' Argument to Find each
Occurance of 'Search Argument' in File as Displayed in the Bottom Window
Or you can 'Click on a word' in the Rightmost (Index) Widow .
The Program will then display , in the Bottom Window ,
every sentence that contains the 'Clicked on word' .

Large files such as Valley-Of-Vision.txt contains 6922 Lines ,
and 7557 Unique words .
So these Files can take a second or more to load .

Index-it comes with these files :
1) PilgrimsProgress.txt
2) The-Valley-Of-Vision.txt
3) Westminster-Confession-of-Faith.txt

You can Download the Index-it program from here :
Tips :

For more 'in Program' Help , 'Hover Cursor' over each Button or Component etc. , then a Helpful Hint will Pop Up .

'Sort Index program' defines a word as 'text surrounded by spaces' .
That means that , "what" , and what , are 2 different words .
An alternative could be , to open the 'file to be indexed' in a Notepad (or your favorite text editor)
then try 'Replace' ["] (double quote) with [" ] (double quote followed by a space) .